Quality seals and brands of the territory

The landscape of the eight municipalities that make up the PNMMBT is characterized by the Montgrí, by the agricultural plain drawn by the Ter river and by the sea. These last two elements, the agricultural plain and the sea, are the origin of a wide diversity of agri-food products which, in turn, are the source of high-quality gastronomy. Thus, the agricultural plain of Baix Ter is marked by the cultivation of rice, much of which is grown within the PNMMBT. The cultivation of rice began in the 15th century and has continued to this day, with native varieties such as Bahía or Bomba as well as new ones such as Carnaroli or Nembo.

Another of the crops that makes up the landscape of the Baix Ter plain is the apple, also cultivated in this territory for centuries past. The apple has the distinctive IGP Manzana de Girona and the varieties produced in the territory are Golden, Reed Delicious, Royal Gala, Granny Smith, Pink Lady and local varieties have also been maintained. The apple is the main protagonist, but other fruit trees such as nectarines, peaches, pears, etc. are also grown. As an Empordà and Mediterranean territory, other crops that dominate the landscape are wine and oil. Both vineyards and olive trees are mainly concentrated in the park's surroundings. White, red and rosé wines are made in the territory, as well as Garnacha del Empordà. As for the olive oil, it is from the Argudell, Corivell, Verde and Arbequina varieties. Finally, on the coastline of the PNMMBT municipalities there is a long fishing tradition, structured around the brotherhoods of L'Escala and l'Estartit. The sea is a supplier of a wide variety of fish and shellfish such as squid, sea bream, sea bass, among others, but anchovy stands out above all. In La Escala, the artisanal Anchovy salting industry has a historical tradition, with its own salting method that has given it international recognition.

In the territory of the eight municipalities of the Montgrí Natural Park, the Medes Islands and the Baix Ter, there are a set of seals and brands that, with different criteria, guarantee the quality and origin of the products. Some of these seals and brands are local and allow the identification of products with exclusive origin from the eight municipalities of the park. There are other stamps with a broader territorial scope - but remaining within the scope of proximity - in which some of the products of the territory are assigned. On the other hand, there is also a product - the Anchovy de la Escala - that, without a specific seal, is marketed based on a common name. Finally, there is also a brand of international origin in the territory that is worth mentioning:

Local area quality badges:
Arròs de Pals
Protected Geographical Indication Poma de Girona
Empordà Denomination of Origin
Oli d’Empordà Protected Designation of Origin
Producte de l’Empordà
Venda de Proximitat
Girona Excel·lent
Farina from Girona

Community marketing products without brand:
Anxoves de l’Escala

International brand:
Certification of the European Charter for Sustainable Tourism
City Slow